PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) has implemented the innovative Modified Chicken Claw (CAM) technology in the construction of the Rediversion of Muara Wahau Road Diversion (RE-MWRD) project for PT Kaltim Prima Coal in East Kalimantan. CAM is a foundation system inspired by the chicken claw structure, with several concrete pipes embedded in the ground and interconnected with a binding floor above them.
The use of CAM offers several significant advantages, including structural reinforcement where CAM can evenly distribute loads to the ground, minimizing the risk of cracks and subsidence in the road structure. This makes it an ideal solution for construction on unstable soil. Additionally, from a cost efficiency perspective, compared to traditional foundation systems, CAM requires relatively fewer materials and a more practical construction process, making it a more cost-effective design alternative while minimizing negative environmental impacts.
WIKA’s President Director, Agung Budi Waskito (BW), stated that the CAM technology for road structures in the RE-MWRD project is the first of its kind implemented by WIKA in a mining area and has proven to be an effective and innovative solution for construction on unstable soil.
“We are very enthusiastic about the application of CAM in the RE-MWRD Project. This technology not only strengthens the road structure but also helps us optimize costs, minimize environmental impact, and has the potential to advance more robust and sustainable development in areas with challenging soil conditions,” said Agung BW.
For information, WIKA secured the RE-MWRD project in May 2024. This project is planned to redirect the National Road Section from Simpang Perdau to Batu Ampar in East Kalimantan, back to its original corridor by constructing a permanent replacement road spanning 18.9 km. In this project, WIKA is entrusted with carrying out earthworks, structural & drainage works, pavement works, and CAM structures.