Jakarta - PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) was named the first winner in the The Asset Manager 2023 competition in the Master category. The award was presented directly by Indonesian Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati and witnessed by Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono and Director of Operations II Harum Akhmad Zuhdi, which took place at the A.A. Maramis Building, on Tuesday (17/10).
WIKA's success in winning the competition outshone 68 participants through three elimination rounds. Participants were tested to compete in concepts, seek innovation, and new approaches according to the given case study related to strengthening synergy, collaboration, and state asset management competencies.
In this grand final stage, WIKA, along with two other finalists from the Master category, were given a case to optimize assets in the A.A. Maramis Building, which is a class A cultural heritage, to then analyze and present their concept proposals to the jury, which consisted of regulators, academics, and practitioners.
"With the plan to move the capital city, this year the finalists are expected to be able to provide creative ideas in managing state assets, especially in Jakarta, so that the assets left behind can generate added value in the future," said Sri Mulyani at the The Asset Manager 2023 event.
In their presentation, Ahmad Yani and M. Arya Pinandita proposed the Rejuvenate Maramis Paleis concept to address the challenges presented in the Grand Final stage. This concept successfully brought WIKA to first place by building The First Luxury Mixed Use Heritage in Central City with the theme of Elevating Indonesian Culture.
The building, which was formerly the 200-year-old Deandels Palace, will be developed into a luxurious, educational, and digital commercial area equipped with a national boutique gallery, executive lounge, fine dining restaurant, interactive financial museum, UMKM incubator area, and supported by supporting activities Tour The Ex Capital City as its captive market.
Held annually, The Asset Manager 2023 is a competition initiated by the State Asset Management Agency (LMAN) together with the Ministry of Finance for state asset managers, coming from ministries or institutions and their work units, Public Service Organizations and Regions, State-Owned Enterprises or Regional-Owned Enterprises and their business units.
Director of Operations II WIKA Harum Akhmad Zuhdi said that through this new achievement, WIKA has shown its capacity to develop fresher and more innovative ideas through creative financing to optimize asset management.