PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) moved quickly to carry out emergency repairs to the breached embankment of the Wulan River, which caused flooding in Demak and Kudus Regencies, Central Java Province.
WIKA successfully closed the two breached embankment points located at the downstream and upstream sides in just 3 days, starting from Sunday (11/2) and completed on Wednesday (14/2) using a jumbo bag installation method and steel sheet pile driving using amphibious excavators with active coordination with the Ministry of PUPR and the Pemali Juana Large River Basin Directorate.
Thanks to the quick action, water from the Wulan River no longer flows into the settlements of residents in Ketanjung and Karanganyar Villages, Demak. Meanwhile, the waterlogging on the Pantura Route is gradually decreasing, so that people can once again pass through the route.
After the quick action, WIKA is now focusing on strengthening the Wulan River Embankment by raising and thickening it on both sides.
President Director of WIKA Agung BW said that the ability to handle embankment leaks in Demak is one of the proofs of the benefits of WIKA's presence, which is also always actively involved in handling a number of national disasters, where in conditions like this, immediate initiative is needed to be present, take immediate action so that the impact of the leaks can be minimized.
"This is the strength of WIKA and also other SOEs Karya, with the experience and capacity we have, we can move quickly, synergizing resources that are spread almost throughout Indonesia so that we can react quickly and immediately be able to handle damage for the handling needed by the community," continued Agung BW.
Previously, WIKA was also one of the frontlines to open access to the debris in the liquefaction-affected area in Palu and Donggala by using a number of heavy equipment that was also mobilized from the Balikpapan - Samarinda Toll Road project for evacuation access and so that the reconstruction of the area could be carried out immediately.
In the early period after the earthquake in Cianjur, WIKA also immediately lowered heavy equipment in the form of excavators and dump trucks to open evacuation access, and established a modular clinic in just 5 days to treat victims, so that they could be handled quickly.